Just a month ago, it was revealed that Facebook has more than two billion active monthly users. That means that in any given month, more than 25% of Earth’s population logs in to their Facebook account at least once.
This kind of scale is almost impossible to grasp.
Here’s one attempt to put it in perspective: imagine Yankee Stadium’s seats packed with 50,000 people, and multiply this by a factor of 40,000. That’s about how many different people log into Facebook every month worldwide.
A smaller window
The Yankee Stadium analogy sort of helps, but it’s still very hard to picture.
The scale of the internet is so great, that it doesn’t make sense to look at the information on a monthly basis, or even to use daily figures.
Instead, let’s drill down to just what happens in just one internet minute:
Created each year by Lori Lewis and Chadd Callahan of Cumulus Media, the above graphic shows the incredible scale of e-commerce, social media, email, and other content creation that happens on the web.