
Creating Generational Legacies

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Future of Work - and navigating AI is about specialising in being a generalist

My friend David Michaelis’s  view (who is part of our global climate action #bbgforum ) – is that the winners in the future of work is not your expertise but how you tackle new frontiers!.

 He refers to an  excellent article – (Click here  ) by CNBC 

Here is my take on the article 

Will the future of work be about being a Specialist or Generalist?

Is it  deep expertise that will lead to enhanced credibility, rapid job advancement, and escalating incomes. Core competence, unique skills, deep expertise. 


Being broad-minded or dabbling – having  the ability to connect the dots – and refer to the specialists – ( the skillset of a generalist ).

Someone who can recognise the opportunity / problem – and have the ability to refer – either to a tablet. (Product) or a specialist (Service) 

 ‘No specific skill will get you ahead in the future’—but this ‘way of thinking’

My plug 

#BBG (powered by referron) is a group of specialists – (think of bbg  as  a baseball oval – whichever base the  customer comes – the objective is to enable that customer to hit a home run and be served by each base – the entire team. 

#Referron4.omni (  is the tech that can make this happen .

(Technology still being built – look out for the l mvp – a labour of love!!!)

Feel free to register for the Referron mvp  and get your virtual business card , so that you can be part of the bbg community 

End of plug 

The Future of work

The message in the past was clear: Focus on developing an expertise and you’ll rise through the ranks and earn more money. The approach worked. Many of today’s leaders ascended by specializing.

This may no longer be the case!!!

The one certainty about the future is that it will be uncertain. 

The future belongs to generalists

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence and technological innovation have commoditized information. 

AI and machines can do much of the work of the specialist 

In today’s world, it’s important to be agile and flexible. The future belongs to the generalists!!

> You need to see the entire elephant and the Savannah 

> You need to be a systems thinker 

> You need to think bigger and wider than you’ve traditionally done.

>You need to have a set of tools to draw from or a group of specialists – products or services you can refer to.

> You need to learn how to learn 

What skills are needed to get a Job in the Future of Work ?

Lisa Stern Hayes, one of Google’s top recruiters, said in a podcast that the company values problem-solvers who have a “general cognitive ability” over role-related knowledge.

“Think about how quickly Google evolves,” she said. “If you just hire someone to do one specific job, but then our company needs change, we need to be rest assured that the person is going to find something else to do at Google. That comes back to hiring smart generalists.”

The analytical capabilities you develop (e.g. basic statistical skills and critical reasoning) in the process will fare well when competing against those who are more focused on domain-specific skill.

The skill of connecting the dots is where it’s all at “

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Khanmigo - Bill Gates visits a school incorporating this AI tech into its DNA 🧬

Bill Gates visited a school that has embraced Khanmigo - created by Sal Khan of Khan Academy . It is an AI-powered tutor and teacher support tool that  can give a teacher the blueprint, enabling then to give an awesome delivery relevant to their class plus a lot more ! 

What it does 

  • connects with students, 
  • sparking curiosity, 
  •  making sure every child feels seen and supported—especially those who need a little extra help.
  • Teachers easily and quickly track a student’s progress, saving time. 
  • Students use Khanmigo as a personalized tutor.

AI for education still has a long way to go, says Bill. This is a technology where we are starting from with AI in the classroom, not where the technology will end up eventually.

Used Cases 

Bill gives a few used cases that he was blown away by

Leticia Colon, an eighth-grade algebra teacher, explained how she used AI to create problem sets about hometown heroes the students might be interested in. 

Khanmigo helped her develop equations that incorporated Newark boxer Shakur Stevenson’s workout routines, so her students could practice math skills while learning about a real-world role model.

Cheryl Drakeford, a third-grade math and science teacher, used Khanmigo to help create rubrics and lesson hooks for assignments. The technology gives her a first draft, which she then tailors for her students. For example, the AI once gave her a hook that used a generic story about a fruit stand, and she edited it to be about Pokémon cards and Roblox—two topics her students are passionate about. “Khanmigo gives me the blueprint, but I have to give the delivery,” she said.

Several of the teachers Bill met with showed him how they can access each student’s dashboard and get a summary of how they’re doing in a particular subject. They loved being able to easily and quickly track a student’s progress, because it’s saving them a lot of time. 

A game changer 

If you hand teachers the right tools, says Bill, they will always find a way to support their students. 

AI will be a total game-changer for both teachers and students once the technology matures. 

AI will help teachers do what they do best and free them up to focus on what matters most.

Here’s a cool video explaining generative AI

Some comments 

Tiju K 

Bill Gates your insights into AI's transformative potential in education are truly inspiring. Building on the pioneering efforts at First Avenue Elementary, imagine if AI tools like Khanmigo could not only adapt content but also proactively suggest learning paths based on individual student strengths and interests. By integrating adaptive AI algorithms that evolve with each student's progress, we could further personalize education, ensuring every child receives tailored support while empowering teachers to innovate even more effectively. Your vision of AI bridging educational gaps resonates deeply, and I believe collaborative efforts can indeed make this vision a reality across diverse classroom settings. Let's continue pushing the boundaries of educational technology to unlock new possibilities for learning and growth. 💡 

Ivan K

AI education has the potential to revolutionize teaching and learning by -  personalising learning experiences, enhancing teacher effectiveness, and preparing students for future challenges - a game changer in the making! 

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