
Creating Generational Legacies

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Who would you choose to be your mentor?

It’s difficult to keep it simple!

We launch with products that are too complicated.

I’ve spent the greater part of a decade designing and building digital products with and for startups, early ventures, and brands. Our aim always starts the same. Choose an audience, uncover a clear problem and then build the simplest solution possible to solve that problem. Iterate on that solution to build value and achieve product-market fit. I can honestly tell you that I’ve only seen it done right a handful of times.

And here’s the problem…. it is complicated! Simplicity is not simple.

Building a simple product or at least the illusion of a simple product takes a careful dose of both art, science, and luck. We live in a culture that expects to be instantly satisfied, while at the same time completely satisfied. So there is this feeling that creating a simple solution will come across as being unfinished and not valuable because it’s not as robust as other apps they may have seen. We are distracted by the “Facebook”(s) of the world that have spent YEARS and millions and millions of dollars iterating, testing, building, breaking, failing, scrambling, grinding to build what we now know today as a large ecosystem of apps.

We forget

We forget that even simple apps have a lot of moving pieces under the hood. Authentication, email services, texting, user accounts, file management and image uploading. There’s subtle education cues, micro-interactions, and real-time interactions. There are 3rd party services, analytics tracking, customer support tools, and social authentication options. But above the kicking under the water, it needs to appear that the experience is smooth and intuitive. Simple.

We forget to listen to ourselves. We preach “Build fast and break things”. We quote lean principles to “build, measure, learn”. We ooh and aww over design concepts that look simple, fluid, intuitive. Then we turn around and say, “but what if we add this”… “Yeah, that absolutely has to be there or we’ll be missing out on a HUGE group of customers.”

And that huge group is usually one…. maybe two individuals that probably looked at our solution before launch and said, “you know what would be great is if…..” The next we know, we change launch timelines, testing schedules, and budgets, and get back to work building yet again another feature.

Everything is shiny!

It’s always just a bit greener on the other side. And the other side for us is more complicated, bigger, and with more moving parts. It’s a space shuttle with switches, backup systems, huge amounts of fuel, a communication system with mission control, and ability to survive in SPACE. But the problem we are trying to solve is how to commute across town for a cup of coffee.

It’s clear that as humans we are never satisfied. We work like crazy to get degrees, to get jobs, to get better jobs, to have status in life that leads to the next status in life, that leads to the next status in life, which leads us longing for the simplicity of life before all that status and responsibility. We are never content. This plays out in our businesses as well. We believe that if we just had a bit more function we’d be better. A little more value with one more service, one more feature, we will be faster, stronger, richer, and more people will like us and want what we have to sell.

The result is we are too late and too hard understand

We took too long, spent too much money, and a now have a solution that will be harder to sell because there is more to explain. Our own tunnel vision on our products leads us to see a “happy path” of exactly what we believe our users will see. We see what WE want. Value where value may or may not be. We are paralyzed by the fear of releasing a product only to find that it wasn’t perfectly accepted. We want so badly to release an instant success that sometimes we just never release. Or we release far too late and far too complicated. And now we not only have to sell a bigger more expensive app, but a more complicated one that we’ll have to teach them to use, and support them as they struggle to grasp so many features.

By the time we’ve shown the world our incredible solution to their problem, we spent so much money building this more complicated fully featured experience that our capital runway is shot! We’re out of cash. No resources to market, test, iterate. We have a very expensive, robust solution that we can not afford to tell people about or learn what we did right or wrong. We can’t adjust the product to truly solve the problem in a way that people will pay, continue to pay, and tell other to pay.

Let me be clear. This does not mean that your product is ugly, or isn’t somewhat intuitive. It may look great or you may have turned a simple solution into a MONSTER! It doesn’t mean that you’ve lost all hope, but likely your missed an EXTREMELY important part of the cycle. Learning.

“Simplicity is hard to build, easy to use, and hard to charge for. Complexity is easy to build, hard to use, and easy to charge for.”

— Chris Sacca (A venture investor, entrepreneur, and proprietor of one of the most successful venture capital funds in the US.)

So what are going to do about this?

Let’s get back to the basics

I’m going to steal a lot from Lean, Agile, Power of Habit, and about 300 other medium articles on the topic, but let’s own actually doing these things and not just talking about them.

Open up

Lets all agree to be WAY more open with our ideas. Stop shoving our heads under a rock out of fear that we don’t have it all figured out. Let’s stop worrying that someone is going to steal our ideas. “Keeping it close” is fine, but not so close that you literally never move. Share your concepts and ideas early and often. Build rough prototypes, wireframes, design clickable prototypes, functional prototypes. Build something. Pitch decks and business plans sitting in a folder on your desk won’t solve any problems.

Test more often.

There is no reason that you shouldn’t be testing everything. Interview potential customers to prove you’re actually solving a problem. Test the name. Test the brand. Test interactions. Test colors. Test concepts of new features. Test smaller chunks of work. You can always design more, but in testing what you might find is that less accomplishes the same outcome with small development and less cost and reduce product complexity.

But don’t let testing stop you from moving forward.

Learn fast and move forward

After testing, use that data you found to make decisions and more forward. (I think I’ll write more on this later) It’s so easy to get stuck in feeling like you don’t know the right decision to make and at the risk of getting it wrong, you don’t make any decision at all, and then you’re stuck.

Plan for sales, marketing, and growth.

Once again, I’ll say it. If you believe the idea “If we build it, they will come” you will be sadly disappointed. Think about your rollout plan. Start pre-selling even while you’re testing. Get people to commit to your solution even before you have it built. Consider your influence. If your business or service may have a geographic rollout, start planning how you will roll out to each area, but PLEASE don’t shotgun all geographies at once.

Plan to spend money to get qualified leads. Build an email list, pump social media, hire a marketing team, but preferably one that does not suggest that you buy banner ads. Just walk away if they even mention banner ads.

But above all, start selling NOW! Do not wait until you have the “perfect product” to start selling.

Business of people, not apps

I will likely find a way to have that headline be in every blog I write, but the long and short of it is that as we build our businesses and apps, we MUST be focused on our users and customers. We must treat our customers like kings and queens. Serving them beyond all costs (figuratively speaking). We must listen to them with intense focus. Carefully collecting data, affirming their requests, feedback, critiques, etc. Court your customers. Not like tender. More like your grandparents treated each other. Open the door for them, buy them flowers, meet their parents. (more to come on this topic soon)

Look for trends, not “one-offs”

Finally, we won’t take the loudest voice demanding another feature as a trend that all the users will benefit from. We’ll take the feedback from that loud voice and test the request across a larger group. We’ll look for trends in requests or feedback and, we’ll make decision based on the need, not on the impulse.

We can do this!

Given the pace at which apps are hitting the market. Given the statistics that 9 in 10 business fail within their first 3–5 years, let’s work hard to build smaller more focussed solutions to our customer’s problems. Lets test and learn quickly how to iterate forward. And let’s share and sell early while we carefully hold the hands of our customers building a meaningful relationship that they will invest into our solution, service, and value long term.

We can do this. Actually, we’d love to do this with you! Let’s talk

Let us know how you work to keep focused, and avoid making things too complex. Leave a comment below.

Thanks to Daniel Linhart. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Upcoming innovations from Facebook from security to 3d Oculus3d

The future is now. Facebook is keen to get users watching their favourite shows in its new Oculus Go headset. Starting with Facebook Watch shows first (Netflix will surely soon follow), this is an interesting attempt by the social media company to try and get consumers buying into VR as well as demonstrating the intrinsic value of Oculus beyond VR roller coasters and the like.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Sill Raises $5m

The Sill, a startup founded 6years ago selling  potted plants online and in physical stores,  have raised $5 million in Series A funding led by Raine Ventures.

The company wa was bootstrapped until last year, when it raised seed funding from Brand Foundry Ventures, Halogen Ventures, BBG Ventures, Tuesday Capital, Blueseed and The Chernin Group. (BBG Ventures is backed by TechCrunch’s parent company Oath.)

 The Sills founder , Eliza Blank said her vision is bigger than “just putting plants online and being another direct-to-consumer brand.”

The Sill doesn’t just sell you a plant (along with basic care instructions). It also allows you to ask questions of the company’s plant experts — and with the opening of its first brick-and-mortar stores in New York City, it also offers weekly workshops.

“We have a much longer relationship than a typical transaction business,” Blank said. “Making the purchase is almost like the start — or maybe the middle — of a conversation.”

The company says it sold more than 75,000 products in the last six months, with sales up 500 percent year-over-year, and anticipated revenue for the year of nearly $5 million.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The power of advocacy

Great Insite by Jason Ross 

Imagine your life in 5 years, sitting at your desk, having come in late and without any intention to stay longer than lunch.

Imagine the clients you have, or the people that you lead.

Imagine these people take your calls or quickly get back to you when you phone or email them. They complete their objectives and work with enthusiasm, pay their invoices on time or listen when you offer advice; the advice you are more than qualified to provide.

These aren't an online collection of pseudo ‘friends’. You have deliberately surrounded yourself with people that make your life easier, not harder in real terms and it didn't happen by accident. A great network doesn't just ‘turn up’.
Imagine that this network of yours, of 50 or even 100 people. People who don't just know what you do for money, but who you are as a person. 

More importantly, what if these great people actually opened doors for you into the relationships they valued. Introduced and referred you to people (and business) just like them; great people. Imagine this and then ask yourself; would I ever want for new clients, business, or career opportunities?

Of course you wouldn't. Abundance would be a word you'd become very familiar with.

Now consider where you are today. You are (hopefully) clear that a strong network of genuine relationships and advocacy is the holy grail of success, in your career or business so you're out networking at an event.

What would you prefer to walk into a room of 100 people and promote yourself, one to one, selling yourself and your wares? Repeating your ‘elevator pitch’ while assessing and being assessed based on the premise of ‘can we do business?’ Politely offering and collecting business cards to be discarded when you get home.

Wash, rinse and repeat. Over and over.

Or would you rather know 10, trusted advocates who know the other 90 people. Advocates who will deliberately and strategically know when to bring you into a conversation and their relationships?

Which would you choose?

Again, the choice is (or should be) obvious, because having people who advocate for you is far more time and energy effective, and advocacy comes with the power of trust. It's the lubricant that smooths the pathway to results and opportunity.

This isn't new. It's common knowledge. Yet, even knowing this most people (rightly or wrongly) still pursue the strategy of self promotion. Investing time and energy in one on one coffee meetings and networking events where they rely on their own efforts and an elevator pitch.

Wash, rinse and repeat.

Advocacy is the key that opens the door to opportunity, but it requires a network founded on a basis of strong relationships. Relationships, that are themselves based on a culture of genuine collaboration between everyone involved, and that requires trust

The strength and reach of your personal network (not the business or organisation you work for) is directly related to the opportunity available to you and, the success you will achieve.

It is relevant if you're an employee starting a career or new job, an entrepreneur with a new idea or business owner with a business that is growing or failing. It's relevant if you are in a corporate environment or a not for profit. Everyone needs a network if they want more.

BUT if it's just you searching for great connections, building new relationships, strengthening the trust and making the calls to connect to others, how on earth are you going to manage the time and energy to build strong and genuine relationships with 10 people, let alone 50 or 100?

Where are you going to find the time when you're already working hard in your job or business, have a family, a social life or contribute to your community?

The answer; it depends.

It depends firstly on your desire to (incrementally) alter your short term focused strategy of wash, rinse and repeat (which only leads to more wash, rinse and repeat) into a long term one that provides an abundance of opportunity.

Secondly, it depends on if you're prepared to actually be deliberate with your time and energy; which is always required, regardless of the endeavor.

Finally and most importantly, it depends on your ability to create leverage or "personal scale", because if everything was down to you being the ‘magic’ that strength and reach is immediately going to be limited.