
Creating Generational Legacies

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Learning and Development - key to recruit and retain the brightest and the best

Learning will be front and centre when looking to recruit and retain the brightest and the best people in the next decade - and  Learning and development  will need to play a key role in your organisation .

Traditional Training is changing with elearning and blended learning becoming ubiquitous .


Two main areas of learning and development are 

  1. Compliance training 
  2. Upskilling and reskilling 

1. Compliance Training with a Focus On Safety, Mitigation

Compliance and safety training is about keeping your employees safe while also safeguarding the organization’s interests. To ensure the success of such training and keeping the working environment accident and risk-free is key 

The current agenda is to train and develop and keep employees updated, which is more than possible with a simple, robust, and affordable LMS.

2. Upskilling and reskilling 

Instead of hiring multiple people for multiple roles, focus on upskilling existing employees. 

Upskilling and multi-role fulfillment will be a focus do many organisations and, training and development are perfectly suited for this.

Will the LMS be more focussed on the lifelong learner vs the lms of the organisation .

How will the organisation be able to access the skill set of the lifelong learner?

How will the lifelong learner be able to take their accredited learnings with them throughout the lifelong learning journey? 

A good solution to keep consistent training activities in play is by switching to an affordable learning technology, that integrates with your lifelong learning wallet 

So what are the takeouts 

  • Consistent training and lifelong learning is a key to recruit and retain the brightest and the best 
  • E-learning and blended solutions will play a key part in your learning and development activities - Traditional classroom training is history 
  • Compliance training is important now more than ever;
  • Hire internally - and continually upskill and reskill 
  • Have a system that integrates with a lifelong learners wallet 
Welcome to the #NEXTTECHrevolution 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

India is set to become the worlds 3rd largest economy

India's real GDP growth is projected to average 6.3% annually in FY 2021-30, and is on track to  overtake Japan and Germany to become the world's third-largest economy (in nominal US dollar terms). 

Real income per capita is projected to achieve significant average growth of 5.3%, with Indian households becoming the greatest spenders among G20 economies.

Indian macro policy has  three goals: 

reducing import dependency, 

providing the labor force with suitable employment opportunities, 

and creating a more viable market for domestic and foreign investors.

Dealing with the rest of the world is a key strategy with specific plans to deal with each country .

 “It takes a planet to build a village” ðŸŒŽ

Monday, November 21, 2022

The Future of Work and MicroLearning

There are some  big shifts that are underlying  pervasive change - which seems to be manifesting in massive layoffs in the tech sector .

With Meta - Facebook, Amazon , Google and Twitter facing laying off tens of thousands of people . 

There is a shift t

Steve Hatfield, Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Global Future of Work leader, Robin Jones, leader of its Workforce Transformation practice, and Susan Tohyama, executive vice president and chief human resources officer at human capital management (HCM) software provider Ceridian, discussed the ramifications for organizations as they plan for the workforce of the future and  Katherine Noyes, senior writer, Deloitte Insights for CIOs shares some interesting insights 

The nature of work itself is changing. 

“We’re moving from a heavily process-based model to agile teams where people work on specific projects  and work outcomes,” 

AI and technology will replace menial tasks - and the workforce will be flexible - with workers needing to constantly upskill and reskill to be an effective part of a team - enabling them to move around internally and externally in a more agile, dynamic way to meet the needs of the business.

Simon Dewar of BSI Digital believes  this agile hybrid way of bringing together teams to work on specific projects to achieve a specific outcome is the way of the future ! 

Workers need to become life long learners 

Being able to learn how to learn - focussing on the specific skills needed for upcoming organizational projects.

The tool to make this happen, says Simon Dewar of BSI Digital  is  ‘Micro-Accreditations’ With just-in-time skill building. 

“Micro-accreditations,” or short bursts of highly targeted training. Employers are able to tap a broader pool for recruiting. They can use micro-accreditations to teach them on the job. 

They don’t necessarily need to have the experience—just a desire to learn and the ability to learn how to learn 

This paradigm shift is creating a free mindset of both the employee and employer 


Employees are feeling that they are free agents with Increased flexibility, freedom, and personalized experiences that are more mission- and purpose-driven. 

The price - - less job security 


 Employers are looking to employ on an as needs basis as - elastic hiring- being able to access a project-based talent marketplace aligning individual skills with projects and company goals and moving employees around within the organization as needed. 

The price - a potential loss of IP from people with a deep knowledge of  the process. 

Welcome to the NEXTTECH revolution says CEO of NEXTTECH Learning - Cassandra Parton

Source .

IT Leadership Series: Zapper CEO Mike Bryer on building with customers

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Simple is Hard

Image credit: Erik Burke

Great advice from Charafeddine Mouzouni

Simple is hard. 

Making the overly complex seem simple is an art that is mastered by the  best UX/UI designers.

If you want people to use your dashboard/product and for it to have traction  - you need to nail The UX and UI 

Keep it simple

Invest in the best UI/UX people.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

a Monetisation & Growth Framework for Disruptive Subscription Companies Focused on Scaling


Building an effective pricing strategy can make a huge difference to whether an organisation is able to achieve its growth ambitions.  Monetisation is the most effective lever of profitable growth (4 times more effective than acquisition), yet companies spend less than 10 hours per year on this critical piece of work, consequently leaving huge amounts of money on the table by way of uncaptured value.  For SaaS companies, the stats are even worse, with an average of only 6 hours spent on pricing strategy over the life of the business!

Most companies are not using pricing to its full potential. We all know pricing is important, but because it is complicated, and often intimidating, we choose an overly simplistic approach. 

 Ayon Bhattacharyya presented a Monetisation & Growth Framework for Disruptive Subscription Companies Focused on Scaling. 

The talk was held on 27 October 2022 AND then followed by a thinktank with members of our Nexttech Transformation Forum – who shared their insights on how Ayon’s strategies could help them and their clients. 

Here is the playlist. 

Ayon Bhattacharyya’s brief biography

Ayon is an experienced Revenue Leader and Monetisation & Growth expert with significant success in unlocking profit and growth potential through value innovation, positioning, packaging, and profit-optimal pricing strategies. Ayon is a CIMA qualified accountant and recently gained his Executive MBA from a US-based business school.  Drawing upon two decades of business leadership experience within the corporate sector in the UK, Australia, and NZ, with brands such as Westpac, Hoyts, Trade Me and Equifax, Ayon now works with CEO’s, business owners and senior executives of mid-sized disruptive growth companies to assist them with finding and monetising their competitive advantage.

As the founder of consulting firm Biz Growth Spurt, Ayon has a strong track record of helping tech & SaaS companies win more business at higher prices, achieving significantly higher valuations by improving their pricing power.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Traits of a good Leader

Traits of a good  #leader   From my mentor Allen Pathmarajah 

L listen - listen and silent have same letters  

E - empathy  being able to sit in someone else’s shoes 

A- attitude / your attitude will determine your attitude 

D- determination - Passion 

E- Energesse enthuse Inspire and engage 

R- be resilient - you need to be like a spring and spring back up from Setbacks - of which there will be many