
Creating Generational Legacies

Monday, March 6, 2023

AI and artificially created Proteins

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to simulate and predict the properties of artificial proteins, which can be designed to have specific functions such as targeted drug delivery, industrial biocatalysis, and protein-based materials. 

AI-powered techniques such as machine learning and deep learning are used to analyze vast amounts of protein structure and sequence data, allowing researchers to predict how different amino acid sequences will fold into a particular structure and how that structure will behave under different conditions.

One approach to designing artificial proteins using AI involves using generative models, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs), which can generate new protein sequences that have desired properties. These models are trained on large datasets of known protein structures and properties, allowing them to generate new sequences that are likely to have similar properties.

Another approach is to use AI-powered molecular docking and dynamics simulations to predict how different amino acid sequences will interact with specific target molecules, such as drugs or enzymes. These simulations can help identify sequences that are likely to bind to a target molecule and optimize their properties to enhance binding affinity or catalytic activity.

The use of AI in designing artificial proteins has the potential to revolutionize drug discovery, as it can greatly accelerate the development of new drugs with highly specific targeting and reduced side effects. It also has applications in materials science, where AI-designed proteins can be used to create new materials with unique properties. However, there are also concerns around the safety and ethical implications of these technologies, and more research is needed to fully understand their potential impact.

AI generating images , text , artificial proteins and now voice !!

Microsoft released a paper on a new AI called VALL-E that can accurately simulate anyone’s voice based on a sample just three seconds long.

Imagine the chaos that it can cause - deepfakes and impersonations 

Will trust be a victim of AI ?

From chatgpt 

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in simulating human voices, with natural language processing and deep learning algorithms enabling AI-powered voice assistants and chatbots to mimic human-like speech patterns and intonations.

These AI systems use machine learning techniques to learn from vast amounts of voice data and generate synthetic speech that closely resembles human speech, making them increasingly indistinguishable from real human voices.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Ai Artificial intelligence - or Amplified Intelligence From the legend himself - Reid Hoffman

The magic on display in the growing family tree of LLMs—before and beyond OpenAI’s ChatGPT—is astonishing. In these early stages, we’ll continue to collectively find our footing with AI, but the path is there to reconfigure how we work and live.

That term itself—AI—has also been on my mind.  As I’ve been so focused in recent years on AI projects, I've found myself questioning whether using that moniker—"Artificial Intelligence"—may actually be holding us back in some ways.

To start: has anything been celebrated—or preferred—for being artificial?  Artificial food coloring.  Artificial flowers.  Artificial respiration. If so, it feels like a rare exception.  

I believe the current language of Artificial Intelligence has somewhat misled us and, in the wider culture, painted an ominous view of an AI that develops sinister intent at odds with our natural intelligence and natural interests.  

To me, there’s a more fitting descriptor of what's taking shape that better captures these tools' impact on humanity: Amplified Intelligence. 

Same acronym, but more accurate.  Advancements like LLMs are amplifying the abilities and productivity of humans.  And, yes, it will amplify our mistakes and misunderstandings as much as our achievements and insights, but that just reflects and accelerates our growth as humans.   

What do you think about Amplified Intelligence (AI) as a term? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below

Roth Goyal - Dir engineering at Netflix 

I’ve been referring to it as “Augmented Intelligence” to distinguish between how we can be inspired and aided by it, not replaced.

Justin Jin

Reid Hoffman how’s “augmented intelligence”? As we begin to combine human/machine systems the potential to leverage the best of both worlds exists!

Bruce Bixler - linked in guru 

Reid Hoffman I use "Accelerated Intelligence" since that is what it does! It accelerates results.

Tatyana Mamut - tech innovator 

Amplified means “more” and “higher” — which is not accurate. Computer AI is not necessarily more intelligent or at a higher level of intelligence; it is simply produced through code generated functions in a non-living system.

I’d stick with Artificial because Amplified Intelligence could apply to supplements/lifestyle changes that enhance natural (organic) intelligence. Also we need to understand that we are entering the full cyborg era, where human amplifications of intelligence will be a mix of natural (organic) and artificial (inorganic) sources. Distinguishing between these will be important and losing this distinction now may lead to bad unintended consequences

Ivan Kaye 

Augmented Intelligence is more appropriate - as chatgpt or AI Is not intelligent - but does augment 

Amplified intelligence implies AI has intelligence - which implies a “live being” which is  a debate of its own !!! 

Krystal Lucado

Great question! My perspective follows definitions: 

Intelligence (noun): the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations: REASON

Artificial (adjective): humanly contrived often on a natural model: MAN MADE

Amplify (verb): to expand (something, such as a statement): to make larger or greater (as in amount, importance, or intensity): INCREASE

I like Amplify for a couple of reasons:

1. Amplify is a verb describing an action which is more consistent with the act of AI.
2. Artificial is an adjective describing intelligence in a passive sense inconsistent with the potential of AI.
3. The word “artificial” while culturally acceptable in transactional activities (luxury goods/nails/hair), retains a negative connotation leading to bias. 

That being said, I do prefer Amplify Intelligence in the present tense rather than past tense, given the potential of AI +HI = NI

Rohit Jain

Jobs will become irrelevant as ultimately AI, LLMs and other advancements will lead to radical abundance of everything...
Amplified intelligence therefore more appropriate 

Kevin Hodges 

How about “aggregate intelligence” is more accurate. It reminds me of the early internet days when many of the popular sites were aggregators for news, pop culture, sports, etc. It also seems pretty accurate since there is less new information being created by AI; rather, it’s collecting the vast and disparate elements of the web and commodifying them for our advantage.

Joe Edwards 

I like “aggregate intelligence” to imply 
1. This stuff is built on a corpus of human knowledge 
2. It’s a superpower, but just as an aggregate group of humans can be led in non-ideal directions or produce subpar results, these new tools can as well.

Monday, January 16, 2023

How effective is your current learning material ?

“A fresh start for L&D in 2023” - maybe a time to do a  spring cleaning, looking into the future and taking the dive!

How effective is your learning strategy ? 

To recruit and retain the brightest and best  employees you need  to give them regular communication, training and development opportunities, and learning campaigns supporting a positive and inclusive work culture.

You need to provide learning that enthuses engages and excites your team to learn more and be inspired by your organisation 

You need to plan , test and learn to enable your employees  to achieve their goals and bring your ideas to fruition 

You need to learn how to learn 

Friday, December 23, 2022

Why Singapore is Successful

Allen Pathmarajah 

💥Why is Singapore succesful?

There is no distinction  on race, language or religion - 

Everyone is equal !

Allen (a Sri Lankan) was Mentored by Tan Chin Twa 
- who headed OCBC Bank  and GREAT EASTERN 

Alan Miltz  and Ivan Kaye  are grateful 
To be mentored by Allen Pathmarajah

Do you have a mentor ?
Who is your #mentor ? 

Acknowledge them in the comments below!

 #grateful #singapore #dei #diversity #diversityandinclusion #diversityequityinclusion 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Congratulations BSI Learning for making a significant impact

It is a satisfying and rewarding day to be able to look back at the community impact BSI Learning has made in our partnership with NSW Department of Communities and Justice specifically Corrective Service Industries and CSI Education, by training and rehabilitating around 2500 incarnated learners. Thankful for the opportunity to change lives in 2022 with Dylan Chan