
Creating Generational Legacies

Friday, May 27, 2022

5 books that can change your mindset and let you live an intentional life

Jeff McKeon shares with us his 5 books that can change your mindset and let you live an intentional life.

Author  of "Atomic Habits" James Clear said "Start more books. Quit most of them. Read the great ones twice."  I have read every single one of these books numerous times and as I've grown so to has my perspective, so each read I learn something new.

1. "Man's Search For Meaning" by Viktor Frankl describes his survival on the holocaust and how his choice to find happiness was his greatest power. Ironically his famous quote "Between stimulus and response is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom" does not appear in the book but the meaning and framework is there.

2. "7 Habits Of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey gives you a way of looking at life intentionally and asking some important questions. Chapter 2 - Begin With The End In Mind starts with you imagining your own eulogy. That one chapter changed my life.

3. "Limitless" by Jim Kwik was a game changer for me as it allowed me to read and listen to more books. Chapter 14 page 237 teaches you to double the speed of your reading just by using a visual pacer like your finger, pen or cursor. You can also, with training, increase the speed you listen to audiobooks and podcasts. I can now listen at 2-3 times normal speed with full comprehension. 

4. "Tiny Habits" by BJ Fogg, PhD showed me how to change anything by starting small. This has been the greatest habit book that I have read as it gives you the formula, the psychology and the neuroscience of how, what, why of change. Read this book before you start anything new, this one book can help you change the world.

5. "Chatter" by Ethan Kross silenced that stupid, toxic, negative voice in my head that has haunted me for so long. Such simple and practical tools using science and psychology to silence the chatter of our daily lives. Imagine being able to make a mistake and not hear that inner critic that often says things worse than you could possibly say out loud to someone else. I wish this book was around when I was younger. 

Then once you have finished go back and read "Man's Search For Meaning" again. It is such a powerful tool for perspective. How are you going to live you life?

What's your favourite 5 books?

Stay Awesome 🙏
NeuroCapability – using the latest in Neuroscience to improve your capabilities as a leader.

Jeff works with  Linda Ray and Penny Curnow on a mission of changing the world one brain at a time by rewiring the brains of 100,000,000 leaders and emerging leaders to lead with the brain in mind. 
To learn more go to 

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