
Creating Generational Legacies

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Living Dangerously with Allanah Zitserman

I am not married - I have a child - I live with an amazing Greek Human - I am still Jewish - just a bit different just a bit dangerous!

I go to the fringe. - snap back to the middle of my comfort zone .... stretch the boundaries  - live dangerously - I am on a mission - on a journey - where? It’s still a work in progress.

About Community 

Dangerous ideas requires huge amounts of vulnerability. 

A community needs to provide the latitude and support for people to pursue their dreams , make those failures and drive those edges further! 

Disruption and innovation is key for a community to grow.

The interesting thing for me is that as I pull back from the community - the more the community accepts me - the more that it draws me back.

Sydney is difficult - and can be very confronting and lonely - the power of its people is directly relational to the power of its connected community.

About Allanah Zitserman 

Allanah Zitserman born to Russian refugees is a famous playright, film producer and storyteller

Russian Doll was her first . It went on to earn her an Australian Film Institute (AFI) Award for Best Original Screenplay.

Recently she has started production on the feature film, Ladies in Black,directed by Bruce Beresford (Driving Miss Daisy)

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